Die OPEM öffnet ihre virtuellen Türen!

Gemeinsam mit 1014 – space for ideas startet die Open Embassy for Democracy am Mittwoch, den 19. Juni 2024 um 18 Uhr  ihre erste Veranstaltungsreihe Across the Pond.

Bei dieser Diskussionsreihe (in englischer Sprache) kommen in den nächsten Monaten jeweils zwei jüngere Stimmen zu Wort, die über den Atlantik hinweg über die drängenden politischen Fragen unserer Zeit diskutieren: Wie finden wir neue Lösungen für alte Probleme? Welche Wege führen in die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaften? Wie können wir voneinander lernen? Wer sind die Akteure, die neue Impulse setzen?


SESSION 1 – June 19

SESSION 2 – July 24

SESSION 3 – August 28

SESSION 4 – September 25

SESSION 5 – October 30


Young Voters Talk: Across the Pond

A trans-Atlantic Online Series on Democracy, Elections, and Social Cohesion

Politicians are being attacked, elections are deemed “rigged”, democratic institutions are called into question, checks and balances seem to cause constant gridlock, and extremists are gaining ground… 2024 looks like an election year on both sides of the pond that doesn’t offer much hope for the future.
The sheer force of challenges to our societies – locally, regionally, and globally, including a rapidly changing climate that threatens our very existence – could lead to despair. Yet, it’s up to us to turn things around. How do we restore the fabric of our societies and revive our democracies to make them fit for the tasks ahead? In our trans-Atlantic talk series “Across the Pond”, organized in partnership with Open Embassy for Democracy (OPEM), we will hear two young voters from each side of the Atlantic who share their ideas about how to move forward. What can each one of us do, what does it take to explore new paths? What really works?   

Join us live, online, and for free. And prepare to be called upon.